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Balao suffered engine issues
The "Balao", en route from Fraser River Port to Tauranga, New Zealand, whilst departing berth No.8 of Fraser Surrey Docks, British Columbia, in position 049 10 26N, 122 55 27W, under the conduct of a pilot, was reported as disabled due to main engine issues, on Sep 5, 2018. The vessel remained at berth while repairs were being carried out.
Hapag-Lloyd announces vessel delay and port omission on WAN service
Voyage 991N of the MV Balao (Hapag-Lloyd) was delayed in Australia due to industrial actions in Sydney, the shipping company said in a media release. "Further delays were encountered on the route to New Zealand due to engine problems. Therefore, the vessels revised ETA at Vancouver will be November 29. In order to get the vessel back on schedule it has been decided to omit Adelaide during Balao 995S/N. All Southbound bookings to Adelaide will be discharged in Melbourne for connection to Adelaide," Hapag-Lloyd said.
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