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Dredger pulled up bomb off Flushing
The "Rival" pulled up an old explosive during dreding work off Flushing on Nov 28, 208, at 8 a.m. Presumably it was an American aircraft bomb from the Second World War. The explosive was excavated during dredging operations on the Wester Scheldt using with a grab. The ship was moored in the outer port of Flushing and awaited the arrival of the Explosives Clearance Service (EOD) from Den Helder. It will have to determine definitively the kind of bomb and what needs to be done. The ship was more than 100 meters away from the nearest building. The patrol boat "P41" of the police was alongside. The bomb was defused at 8.30 p.m. by the disposal experts. Dutch reports with photos and video: https://www.blikopnieuws.nl/nieuws/269043/eod-gaat-vliegtuigbom-woii-vlissingen-ter-plaatse-ontmantelen.html https://www.hvzeeland.nl/nieuws/37089-schip-haalt-explosief-naar-boven-vlissingen/?foto=112847#photo https://www.omroepzeeland.nl/nieuws/109641/Baggerschip-vist-vliegtuigbom-op https://www.internetbode.nl/regio/vlissingen/algemeen/273340/explosief-ontdekt-op-schip-in-vlissingen https://112midden-zeeland.nl/gevonden-vliegtuigbom-in-vlissingen-ontmanteld-omwonenden-mogen-weer-naar-buiten/
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