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No wreck removal in sight
A major impending operation which is bound to draw international salvors is the salvage of the "Rak Carrier" about 20 miles off Mumbai coast. What is of great concern is the possibility of the channel again getting blocked in the event of a major incident taking place with the wreck coming in contact with passing vessels that traverse the area. At the moment hardly any headway has been made in the case of "Rak Carrier" to salvage or remove the wreck. The position is outside the territorial waters which extend only up to 12 nautical miles from the Indian shore. Salvaging would cost anything above $ one million.
High Court relief for MV Rak Carrier insurer
Granting relief to the Romanian insurer of the MV Rak carrier — a vessel that sank off Mumbai’s coast in August last year — the Bombay High Court directed the Director General (DG) (Shipping) to give the insurance firm a hearing before black-listing it and preventing other vessels, insured by the firm, from entering Indian ports. Widening the issue, Justice P B Majmudar and Justice R D Dhanuka also asked the Qatar-based company Delta — that owned the MV Rak Carrier — and its Dubai-based charterer and agent to be joined as parties in the litigation. Read more at http://www.expressindia.com/latest-news/high-court-relief-for-mv-rak-insurer/923954/
No more oil spill
Since Aug 21, 2011, no oil spill was observed from the sunken "Rak Carrier". No effect up to the residential areas along the coast has been reported. The operation “Paryavaran Suraksha 02/11” prevented damage to marine environment due to the sinking. Most of the oil spill was neutralized by the Coast Guard ships and aircraft at sea, thereby preventing major oil pollution in shoreline areas. Only a few isolated patches of oil spill from the "Rak Carrier" reached the Mumbai Coast. The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai in coordination with the Coast Guard and the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board has cleaned up the shore. Aerial monitoring is being continued in the area for oil spill response action as necessary. No mangroves have been affected by oil spill. The Directorate General of Shipping has initiated action against the owner of the "Rak Carrier", the Delta Shipping Marine Services, Qatar, under the relevant provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act.
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