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Grounding on the Rhine
The "Piz Arina" ran aground on the Rhine at St. Goar in the evening of Feb 2, 2015. The ship with a cargo of 1500 tons glykol was sailing river upstram when the rudder failed at the Bankeck. The ship got out of the fairway and got stuck on the "Schwarzgrund". After attempts to pull the ship off failed, lightering started on Feb 3 at 1.30 p.m. onto the Dutch tanker "Justina". At 3.45 p.m. the "Piz Arina"came off the shallow and was taken alongside the "Justina" and towed to an emergency berth behind the Loreley dam. Reports and photos: http://imageshack.com/i/exvtCGqWj http://www.polizei.rlp.de/internet/nav/399/39970d73-c9a2-b001-be59-2680a525fe06&page=1&pageshttp://www.der-lokalanzeiger.de/index.php/articles/8613/schiffsunfall-bei-st-goarize=10&press=true.htm http://www.schuttevaer.nl/nieuws/varend-bestaan/nid22081-piz-arina-drijft-weer.html
Piz Arina lightered grounded tanker which was then refloated
Lightering operations of the "Emma" by the "Piz Arina" were completed on Jan 31 around noon. The ship could be refloated then and was pulled to Oberwesel, where it will be investigated in order to find out if it may continue its voyage to a yard. At 12.45 a.m. the Rhine was reopened fur ships sailing river downstream from Bingen, followed by the ship traffic upstream once soundings of the river bottom were completed. On Jan 30 an attempt to pull the ship off with one tug had failed. Then part of the cargo was pumped to other tanks and another attempt started with one more tug, which failed too. The investigations of the police regarding the cause of the grounding were going on, but it was thought to have been a navigational mistake. German report with photo: http://www.swr.de/landesschau-aktuell/rp/schiffshavarie-rhein-oberwesel/-/id=1682/did=12786296/nid=1682/139clqz/
Piz Arina lightering grounded tank barge on the Rhine
Lightering of the Belgian flagged, self propelled tank barge "Emma“, 2994 ts (EU-No.: 06004166), which ran aground on Jan 30 at 4.40 a.m. near Oberwesel on the Rhine at river km 551.3, started on Jan 31 at 6.30 a.m. For this purpse the "Piz Arina“ went alongside to take on board part of the cargo of Benzol. The boat of the fire brigade Koblenz was on scene as a precaution. Rhine traffic was interrupted in both directions since 6 a.m. starting at Bingen. Pumping off of about 200-300 tons of the cargo started at 8 a.m. Once the "Emma" was refloated, she was to be pulled to the Loreley Port which was 4 kilometers away and completely discharged there. Two salvage attempts had failed on Jan 30. German reports with photos: http://www.rhein-main-presse.de/index.htm http://www.rhein-zeitung.de/region_artikel,-Schiffsunfall-bei-Oberwesel-%E2%80%93-Tankschiff-auf-Grund-%5B8-Update%5D-_arid,1100616.html http://www.t-online.de/regionales/id_67689272/neuer-versuch-rhein-fuer-tankschiff-bergung-gesperrt.html
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