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Fire on the Maas
On Nov 21, 2015, at 12.45 p.m. the KNRM Dordrecht was alerted after a fire broke out aboard the "Barkentijn" on the outer Maas between Dordrecht and Zwijndrecht. The ship anchored upstream of the Krabbengeul. The cabin block was well alight. The lifeboat assisted the fire boat of the fire rescue to combat the flames in the living quarters with a boat. Also the "RWS 71" of Rijkswaterstaat and the "RPA 1" of the Havendienst Rotterdam attended. The fire was under control at 1.10 p.m. A KNRM boat had taken the crew of two off. Ship traffic was controlled from Post Dordt during the operation. The severely damaged barge was towed to Dordrecht in the afternoon and berthed at the quay of Rijkswaterstaat upon Devil's Island for inspections. Dutch reports with photos and video: http://www.zhzactueel.nl/2015/11/21/flinke-brand-op-binnenvaartschip-bij-dordrecht/#prettyPhoto http://www.schuttevaer.nl/nieuws/actueel/nid23760-brand-in-duwboot-barkentijn-op-oude-maas.html http://www.rijnmond.nl/nieuws/21-11-2015/veel-rook-bij-brand-op-binnenvaartschip-op-oude-maas http://www.transport-online.nl/site/65955/brand-aan-boord-van-binnenvaartschip-barkentijn-fotos/ https://twitter.com/knrmdordrecht/status/668038366756249605
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