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Former lifeboat recovered
On Dec 29, the Nordplast AS in Eidkjosen salvaged the "Odd Fellow", which had been aground on the island of Arnøya in North Troms at the eastern side of Langfjorden since Dec 22. The boat was partly on dry ground after the accident. The starboard propeller was completely broken, the port propeller was damaged and the hull got big holes on both sides of the keel so it could not be simply pulled into the port of Tromsø. The salvors secured it on shore and made sure there was no danger of oil leakage. Then the boat was lifted onto a barge which transorted it to the harbour. The operation was carried out by a tug and a barge from Brekken & Sønner, loaded with a digger from Roald Madsen and a wheel loader from Balsfjord Maskin & Servicetjeneste. On Dec 28, the barge headed to Arnøya where the first attempt to lift the "Odd Fellow" aboard had to be interrupted due to storms. After one night in a shelter in Akkarvik, the wind calmed down in the early morning hours of Dec 29, and the operation went ahead. The barge was pulled to Eidkjosen, where the former lifeboat was lifted onto the shore for repairs. Norwegian report with photos: https://www.nordlys.no/grunnstoting/redningsselskapet/arnoya/her-redder-de-den-synkende-redningsskoyta/s/5-34-759541
Former lifeboat distressed
The "Odd Fellow" ran aground at the southern tip of Arnøya in north-Troms Arnøya in the morning of Dec 22, 2017. The Central Rescue Center Northern Norway was notified of the incident at 8.18 a.m. The former lifeboat was underway from Tromsø to Hammerfest with two people on board, They were safely taken off by the lifeboat "Skomvær 3" and taken ashore. The "Odd Fellow" suffered a hole in the hull which must be sealed before it can be pulled off. The "Odd Fellow" ended the lifeboat service as a rescue boat in 2010 after 37 years Norwegian report with photo: https://www.an.no/nyheter/havet/havari/her-star-en-av-kystens-gamle-travere-pa-grunn/s/5-4-663496
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