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Amore successfully stabilized
The Rhine was re-opened for downgoing ship traffic around 4.30 p.m. on June 7, 2011, and at 5.30 p.m. the crane ship "Kraanvogel" which had come from Rees was on scene and assisted to relocate the cargo of aluminium pipes. Around 6 p.m. also ships heading river upstream were allowed to pass the accident site with very slow speed. At 8.45 p.m. the "Amore" was back on even keel. A part of the cargo had been lightered on another vessel, and both headed for Wesel. Ships involved were the "Grieth" and "Bussard" of the Emmerich Rhine authority, the "Stadtbrandmeister Kersten" of the fire brigade Emmerich, the "WSP-7" and "WSP 10" of the police Emmerich, the "Kraanvogel" from Krimpen upon Ijssel and the "KV Millennium" from Zwijndrecht and "KV Delta" from Rotterdam. Photo report:
Schiff droht auf Rhein zu kentern
Am Dienstag den 07.06.2011 kam es fast zu einer Havarie auf dem Rhein in Höhe des Emmericher Segelflughafens bei km 851,3. Die GMS Amore fuhr beladen zu Berg. Als um etwa 14.45 Uhr der Schiffsführer ein Notsignal sendete. Die GMS Amore drohte zu kentern. Die Ladung bestehend aus 800 t Aluminiumrohren war durch eine (für uns) unbekannte Ursache ins rutschen geraten und es bekam dadurch in eine heftige Schräglage. mehr unter
Amore in danger of capsizing
On June 7, 2011, the "Amore" started tilting on the Rhine near Emmerich after a carog shift and was in danger of sinking. The ship came from the Netherlands and developed a list after goods, which had not been secured enough, started to move to port. The good Samaritans "Delta" and "Millenium" went alongside on both sides of the casualty and stabilised it. The crew started to relocate the shifted cargo. Rhine traffic was slightly affected. German reports with photos:
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