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Scrapped at Grenaa 08/2022
Tanker towed to Thyborøn
On Nov 9, 2016, the "Nora Thomsen" suffered engine trouble 10 miles North of Thyborøn. The lifeboat "Martha Lerche" of the DSNS-station Thyborøn was called to assist and took the disabled tanker in tow to port. On Nov 10 she was safely berthed at the yard quay for repairs.
Engine trouble off Solværsbåen
The Norwegian lifeboat "Erik Bye" was called for assistance on Nov 11, 2012, after the "Scan Trader" had suffered engine trouble and was disabled south of Solværsbåen. The "Erik Bye" took the ship in tow in calm weather conditions and set course for Skretting in Kristvik on Averøya where the problem is to be resolved while the ship is getting unloaded. Norwegian report with photo:
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