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Sold for scrapping
Sold for scrapping to Gadani Beach
MIRAE 7700063
Report with photo of the boarding: http://www.thecourier.co.uk/News/Angus/article/6049/hms-montrose-confronts-pirates-in-the-gulf-of-aden.html
MIRAE 7700063
On Oct 1, 2010, the "Mirae" sent a distress call which was received by the British naval vessel HMS "Montrose" while it was transiting the international recommended transit corridor through the Gulf of Aden being underway from Tianjin to Safaga. The crew reported that a gang of men was in nearby boat and were acting a suspicious manner. The "Montrose" immediately sent its helicopter to investigate. When the helicopter arrived on scene, the men in the skiff threw a variety of objects overboard, including a rocket propelled grenade, before coming to a stop. The "Montrose" sent a team of Royal Marines and Royal Navy sailors to board the suspected pirate skiff and to question the men. At least five men, possibly six, were in the skiff.
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