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Grounded ship to be dismantled
The "Mina 1" which ran aground at Maltepe port in Istanbul in November 2016 will be sold in an action on June 4, 2018, through a tender, after which a process will be launched to dismantle the ship.
Cargo ship grounded at Maltepe
In the evening of Nov 9, 2016, the "Mina 1" grounded at Maltepe port in the Marmara Sea. The unloaded vessel had been laid up and moored in the Istanbul area since about four months, but in stormy weather the anchor dragged and it drifted onto the rocky embankment, thereby suffering hull damage. The authorities started operations to secure and salvage the ship. They deployed the rescue boat "Kiyi Emniyeti 4" and the tug "Kurtarma 1" for this purpose which pulled the ship back to deeper water after the wind subsided. Turkish reports with videos and photos: http://www.haberturk.com/video/haber/izle/maltepede-siddetli-firtina-nedeniyle-gemi-karaya-oturdu/209906 https://www.kiyiemniyeti.gov.tr/userfiles/image/Mansetler/mina1.jpg https://www.evrensel.net/haber/295353/lodosun-etkisi-ile-suruklenen-gemi-kayaliklara-carpti http://www.virahaber.com/mv-mi http://www.denizhaber.com.tr/mv-mina-i-maltepede-karaya-oturdu-haber-70838.htmna-1-isimli-genel-kargo-gemisi-kurtarildi-42759h.htm http://www.peypi.com/detay/maltepe-sahilinde-bagli-mina-1-adli-kuru-yuk-gemisi-lodosun-etkisiyle-suruklenerek-kiyidaki-kayaliklara-carpti/3327987 http://www.palo.com.tr/a/gemi-karaya-oturdu-2033153
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