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Bulkcarrier freed from ice
The icebeaking tug CG 'Bristol Bay' (MMSI: 366999978) has failed to open a fairway for the 'Manitoulin' to enable the ship the further transit to the winter lay up in Saarnia, Ontaria. The 'Neah-Bay' (MMSI: 366999981) of the USCG and the buoy layer CCG „Samuel Risley“ (IMO: 8322442) were now deployed to get the ship freed. This finally succeeded on Jan 26, and the ship anchored in pos. 41° 53' N 082° 55' W. Report and video:
Bulkcarrier stick in ice
On Jan 22, 2025, at 11.43 a.m. the ' Manitoulin' got stuck in the thick ice on the Lake Erie one mile from the shore, as it was departing from Buffalo, New York, headed back to Sarnia, Ontario, after dropping off a shipment of wheat. The 17 crew members were unharmed, and the ship has not suffered any damage. The Coastguard reported that a cutter had already started breaking the ice as of the afternoon of Jan 23, trying to break the ice around the vessel to the extent that it can build up speed and begin to break ice safely on its own.
Blackout off Mackinaw City, repaired by crew
Bulk carrier Manitoulin (19570 gt, built 1991), was proceeding in Lake Michigan, when it experienced a blackout and anchored 12 nautical miles west of Mackinaw City, United States, at 0330 hrs, EDT, Jul 6. The crew carried out repairs and the vessel resumed its voyage.
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