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Bulk carrier rescued three fishermen
On Feb 28, 2023, the 'Leonidas', en route to Port Veracruz, Mexico, received a mayday call from the fishing boat “Benjamin” by VHF. The three fishermen onboard stated they sailed from Yukatan and had been drifting for 25 days, unable to contact authorities. Their vessel had a broken propeller and was disabled. Luckily, their health was in good condition. The 'Leonidas' changed course and proceeded to the fishing boat. After less than an hour, the “Benjamin” was moored at the port side of the bulk carrier. The crew of the 'Leonidas' provided the fishermen with fresh water, food, and any medical assistance necessary and took the the fishermen to Port Veracruz on March 1. Report with photo: https://safety4sea.com/vessel-mv-leonidas-saves-three-fishermen-in-mexico/
Conveoyer belt collapsed into bulkcarrier
During salt loading operations a conveyor belt collapsed into the "Leonidas" at Patillos on May 16, 2019. One worker suffered minor injures. The port authorities were discussing withthe conveyor operator how to remove the debris and free the ship in a most safe and quick way. The ship’s damages were not yet fully assessed. There was no environmental damage reported. The "Leonidas" had arrived, coming from Puerto Quetzal, on May 15. Reports with photos and video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcJaPNhkQdA https://portalportuario.cl/iniciaran-investigacion-para-determinar-causas-del-colapso-de-infraestructura-en-puerto-patillos/
New Period Charter fixed
delivery Houston December 9 - 16, minimum four to six months trading, redelivery Atlantic, 15.750 $ daily, Tianhui
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