L126 BERING SEAverschrottet
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Scrapped at Esbjerg 17.03.23 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10221336225026806&set=pcb.10162109374028943
Vigilant motorist kept trawler from severe damage
A vigilant motorist in Thyborøn harbor has probably saved the Danish trawler "Bering Sea - L 126", 243 gt, from a devastating fire on June 23. At 6:45 a.m. he observed smoke coming from the shelter deck of the trawler and quickly alerted the Port Control in Thyborøn. In just four minutes the local fire department arrived on the North Sea quay, where the crew had moored the trawler before they went home. The firefighters boarded the ship with breathing apparatus onand found a leaking pipe of a generator as the cause of the smoke development. The skipper of the "Bering Sea" immediately headed to Thyborøn to inspect the damage caused by the smoke.
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