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Recycling completed
The environmental process and permission for recycling the "Koza" has been granted by local authorities. The recycling process has been completed as of Nov 5. The vessel file has been closed and the register status has been changed to dead.
Cargo still smouldering
Discharge operation of the damaged cargo of the "Koza" has been facing regular interruptions due to cargo still smouldering inside the holds. Consequently, the vessel recycling process had yet to start. A duty fire brigade team was on stand by at the shipyard. The vessel remained stationary at the scrapyard pier on Sep 2. Turkish reports with photos: https://www.virahaber.com/sokume-getirilen-gemideki-yangin-halen-devam-ediyor-49772h.htm http://www.haberekspres.com.tr/izmir/izmir-de-bekleyen-gemi-icin-icin-yaniyor-h118874.html https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/5a131b2d100e7c2c0c74d631db008c75/5C1B9589/t51.2885-15/e35/38258185_279280749334587_849443109791072256_n.jpg
Beached at Aliaga 08.08.18
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