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Report: Crew member died due to unidentified hazard
A crew member of the 'Kingfisher' died near Wick on July 12 due to an ‘unidentified hazard’, an investigation of the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has concluded. He drowned 30 nautical miles north-east of Wick, while the crew was engaged in manually shooting a string of creels The deckhand became entangled in a creel’s leg rope and was pulled overboard. His personal flotation device (PFD) inflated on immersion. Using the hauling winch, the 'Kingfisher'’s crew retrieved the backrope and recovered the submerged deckhand on board within seven minutes. Despite the efforts of the crew, members of a RNLI lifeboat, a Coastguard paramedic from a rescue helicopter and crew members of an attending wind farm guard vessel, he could not be revived and was declared deceased. The MAIB’s investigation following the death of the deckhand has concluded that the lifejacket he was wearing was “not suitable”. The safety bulletin issued states that he inadvertently threaded the creel toggle through his PFD’s safety loop while connecting the toggle to the eye of the leg rope. The PFD safety loop was a snagging hazard that had not been identified. It further revealed that the vessel’s onboard risk assessment had not identified the unsuitability of the lifejacket for the work being carried out. The MAIB has issued three recommendations for owners and crews of creel fishing boats regarding deck-working risk assessments. Hazards associated with shooting or recovering creels, such as risk of entrapment in a running backrope, should be fully mitigated. When provided, PFDs must be of the required standard and appropriate for the work undertaken. When new hazards are identified, the information must be shared among the crew as soon as possible and alternative PPE must be sourced as soon as possible.
Fisherman went over board and died
The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) was investigating an incident which occurred approximately 30 nautical miles east-northeast of Wick, Scotland, resulting in the death of a 42 year old crew member from the 'Kingfisher-DH110' on July 12, 2024, at 5.10 p.m. when a crew member went overboard while the vessel was conducting routine fishing operations. Despite immediate efforts by the crew to rescue their colleague, his life could not be saved. The vessel was operating in the North Sea, 30 miles east of Orkney, when the incident took place. The crew quickly initiated a man overboard protocol, deploying life-saving equipment and issuing distress calls to nearby vessels and maritime authorities. The UK’s Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) coordinated a swift response, dispatching SAR teams, including helicopters and lifeboats, to the location. Despite the comprehensive search efforts, the vicim was recovered but pronounced deceased.
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