KBV 003
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Divers search in vain for leaked oil from Marco Polo wreck
Divers from the Swedish Coast Guard have, in connection with an exercise, dived on the seabed in the Pukavik Bay to find any oil which could have leaked from the the grounding of the roro ferry 'Marco Polo' in Oct 2023. So far no oil has been found. The descended from the 'KBV 003-Amfitrite' in the area on three occasions. The locations that have been relevant have been selected based on received information about suspected oil finds. Some places have been designated by the County Administrative Board in Blekinge County. Visibility below the surface has varied from good to non-existent. The oil that leaked from the 'Marco Polo' was of a type that under certain conditions sinks below the surface, can drift with currents or completely sink and settle to the bottom. When the temperature in the sea rises, there is the possibility that it will rise to the surface again or reach the shore. Any oil finds are reported to the municipality concerned and to the Norwegian Maritime and Water Authority. Report with photo: https://www.kustbevakningen.se/nyheter/resultatlosa-dykningar-efter-olja-i-pukaviksbukten/
Gas flow remains constant
Since the afternoon of Sep 27, the 'KBV 003-Amfitrite' has been in the position of the two leaks in the Swedish economic zone. The crew reported that the gas flow seen on the surface was constant. On board, they have two main tasks: - Monitor the discharge to see if it decreases or increases - Assist shipping to secure maritime traffic The Swedish Coast Guard strengthensedthe capability on board the ships with rescue divers. Their task is to assist potential accident victims, not to work with the leak itself. A preliminary investigation is led by prosecutors. The police authority was investigating and has requested assistance from the Coast Guard for such measures where the Coast Guard's skills, equipment and resources can be used to move the investigation forward. The Coast Guard is also in close contact with other relevant authorities, in Sweden and abroad. Contact has been established with representatives of Nord Stream.
Patrol boat in proximity of Nord Stream gas leak
The gas leak from the Nord Stream gas pipeline measures over 950 meters in diameter. Two of the reported leaks from the Nord Stream gas pipeline are located in the Swedish economic zone. The Swedish Coast Guard was keeping resources in readiness and followed developments in close contact with other authorities in Sweden and abroad. Based on the current situation, it is not possible to limit or combat the release, but the gas dissolves little by little into both the water and the air. Given that the gas dissolves relatively quickly, the concentration and thus also the risks are reduced. The release itself is visible on the sea surface as a bubbling underwater plume and amounts to approx. 900 meters in diameter. An environmental rescue operation has been started and the 'KBV 003 Amfitrite' will be in close proximity to the area and our aircraft is continuously patrolling the position. The measures taken by, among other things, the Swedish Maritime Administration are to issue navigational warnings to ships to keep a safe distance of five nautical miles from the areas. The focus is to have a visual control over the release itself and assist shipping by following the navigational warnings, not getting too close to the spill and have a preparedness for a worsening situation. In parallel with this, the Police Authority is assisted in their investigation. As of Sep 28, the patrol boat was in pos. 55° 37.76' N 015° 54.18' E, joined by the patrol boat 'KBV 302' (MMSI: 265388000). The Swedish Maritime Administration has sent out navigational warnings on Navtext and VHF that ships should stay away from the area. Vessels are requested to maintain a safety distance of 5 nautical miles from the sites. Report with photo: https://www.kustbevakningen.se/fler-nyheter/kustbevakningens-roll-i-anslutning-till-de-lackande-gasledningarna/
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