KAREN MARGRETHE L423verschrottet
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Broken up
Broken up at Grenaa 06/2023 https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=6508167809231352&set=pcb.10162362098503943
arrived Grenaa Scrapyard
arrived Grenaa Scrapyard 13.06.23
Fishing vessel drifted into bridge
On Feb 28, 2018, at 9 a.m. the "Karen Margrethe - L 423" from Thyborøn, which was on its way back to West Jutland, got stuck in the ice in the Limfjord and was subsequently pushed into the Aggersund Bridge. As it was not possible to get a lifeboat to the cutter because of the ice, the Armed Forces sent a helicopter from Aalborg which saved the three fishermen at 10 a.m. When the bridge guard realized that the ship would hit the bridge, it was closed for traffic. The tug "Alba" was called from Aalborg to try to assist the "Karen Margarethe", but had to give up because the ice was too thick. At 12.30 p.m. the mast of the fishing vessel broke off. Then the skipper returned onto his ship along with a diving service. They took a chance and tried to back off as the ice situation had changed. They turned on the engine and went full astern, thus getting the vessel off the brige at 3.15 p.m. The traffic over the Aggersund bridge which been blocked several times has since been opened again. Danish reports with photo and video: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/fiskekutter-pa-limfjorden-kolliderer-med-bro https://www.tv2nord.dk/artikel/fiskekutter-paa-kollisionskurs-med-bro-tre-fiskere-evakueret https://nordjyske.dk/nyheder/fiskekutter-ramte-aggersundbroen--tre-maend-reddet-med-helikopter/dc0e096b-1091-4b83-9017-70d6a0435365 https://www.tvmidtvest.dk/artikel/partner/tv2-nord/bro-lukket-ad-flere-omgange-nu-er-thyboroen-kutter-fri-igen
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