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Rescued expedition transferred onto "Pilot Pardo"
After two days on the "Hokuetsu Ushaka", the "Kon-Tiki 2" crew and the scientific equipment from Tupac were transferred onto the Coastguard ship "Pilot Pardo". The " Kon-Tiki 2" crew members expressed their gratitude to Captain Yun Sun Gug from South Korea who made them feel as home aboard the "Hokuetsu Ushaka". He was rescued himself in the Indian Ocean 41 years ago when his ship sank early in his career. Now they renjoyed Chilean professional rescue standards. It took only a few minutes to bring them into the RIB boat and from this we they lifted up onto the ship. They were expected in Talcahuano, 450 km south of Santiagoon MAr 21 at 10 a.m. See more at: http://www.kontiki2.com/
Kon Tiki expedition saved by freighter crew and Chilean Navy
All "Kon-Tiki 22" crew members have been saved by the "Hokuetsu Ushaka" off the Chilean coast about 1,000 miles west of the city of Puerto Montt on MAr 17, 2016. The expedition requested assistance after 114 days and 4500 nautical miles in the South-East Pacific. The balsa rafts were dismantled in a controlled fashion to not be a danger to other vessels. People and equipment were transferred from the raft to the freighter. The "Kon-Tiki 2" Expedition has decided to end the expedition after 114 days and 4500 nautical miles in the South-East Pacific. The goal of the expedition has been to show that balsa rafts can sail from South America to Easter Island, and back. The expedition reached Easter Island after 43 days at sea, but the return voyage has proven more difficult due to atypical winds. Reports with photos: http://www.kontiki2.com/ http://www.nrk.no/hordaland/norsk-kon-tiki-kaptein-skuffet-over-ekspedisjonsavbrudd-1.12860882 http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/uriks/Kon-Tiki-2-mannskapet-reddet-utenfor-kysten-av-Chile-8399285.html http://www.universitetsavisa.no/forskning/2016/03/18/Kon-Tiki-mannskapet-i-sikkerhet-56208.ece http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/18/chilean-navy-rescues-14-crew-members-from-kon-tiki-balsa-rafts
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