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Thieves robbed historic sailing vessel
Thieves have robbed valuable equipment from the "Hansine". A 300-kg-liferaft, a sail with the sign FN 121 which has a weight of more than 200 kg, all brass parts, electronic equipment such as RUNO AIS, Navtex, VHF, Inmarsat, even the hydraulic pumps for the stearing gear have been stolen in the port of Lübeck. The owner Olaf Haupt estimated the damage to be around 100.000 Euro. The theft was remarked on Dec 6, 2014, and on Dec 7 the ship which was unable to maonoever was towed to its berth in the museum port. The police was searching witnesses who have remarked suspicious things between Nov 27 and Dec 5. Phone 0049/451/1310. German report with photo: http://www.shz.de/lokales/luebeck/luebeck-diebe-pluendern-traditionssegler-id8393811.html
Hansine disabled during assistance for sinking f/v
The "Hansine" was disabled during an attempt to save the decommissioned 12-m-f/v "Anna" near the Sagasbank south of Fehmarn on May 11, 2013. The "Anna" had suffered engine failure and water ingress about six miles NE of Dahme. The "Hansine" took the ship in tow, but suddenly the water ingress increased, and the towing line had to be slipped at 8.30 p.m. The crew of two of the "Anna" jumped into the water and was recovered by the "Hansine". But the sailing ship got the towing rope into its propeller and thus got disabled too. The lifeboat "Vormann Jantzen" of the DGzRS-Station Großenbrode which had already been notified about the incident off Fehmarn took the "Hansine" alongside and pulled it to Burgstaaken upon Fehmarn. The "Neustrelitz" of the federal police meanwhile secured the sinking site.
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