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Grounding at Cape de Miquelon
The 'Cap Jean' ran aground at the foot of Cape de Miquelon, Saint Pierre, on April 7, 2020, around 1:30 a.m. None of the seven crew members on board were injured. Firefighters, the pilot boat 'Radar IV', an SNSM boat 'SNSM 160 Jaro 2' (MMSI: 361000110) and the 'Fulmar' of the French Navy were mobilized to assist. The vessel was resting on sandy bottom. After four hours of preparation the ship could be pulled off by the pilot boat within 15 minutes with the high tide at 7.10 a.m. It was then towed to the quay of Miquelon where it was safely berthed at 7.45 a.m. French report with photos: https://la1ere.francetvinfo.fr/saintpierremiquelon/le-cap-jean-remorque-apres-s-etre-echoue-au-pied-du-cap-de-miquelon-la-nuit-derniere-820642.html
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