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Gustav Maersk grounded at Torre Cavallo
On Jan 11, 2016, at 2.44 a.m. the "Gustav Maersk", while en route from Rijeka to Gioia Tauro, ran aground in Torre Cavallo in the Straits of Messina while maneuvering for landing the pilot after the transit of the Strait of Messina from south to north. For reasons unknown it was unable to get back on course. The VTS center of Messina noted the dangerous approach of the ship to the coast and immediately contacted the captain in order to recall the ship, but after a few minutes the ship ran aground. The Port Authority of Messina deployed two harbour tugs stationed in the port of Messina, the "Grifone" and "Macistone" and one from the port of Milazzo, the "Città di Milazzo" as well as the patrol boat "CP 2088". The Port Authority of Calabria sent the patrol boat "CP 801" and shore patrols. Also the offshore anti-pollution unit of Castalia "Ievoli Red" reached the scene and made an inspection to evaluate possible risks to the marine and coastal environment. At the same time the pilots of the corporation Piloti del Stretto came aboard the boxship and kept the operating room of Messina constantly informed. After they had ensured the structural integrity of the hull, they ordered to lighter the ballast so as to lighten the bow. At 07:30 a.m., after securing the ship with two tugs at the stern and the ship's own engine, it could be refloated. After checking the absence of marine pollution, the ship was escorted to the nearby port of Gioia Tauro where the administrative investigation for the causes of the accident was started and a technical investigation was launched. At 11.35 a.m. the ship docked at the APM North Pier Container Terminal. Italian reports with photos and videos:
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