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Perpetrators stole ship's stores and properties
On Oct 16, 2024, at 04.10 a.m. the 'Genco Constellation' was boarded by four perpetrators at the Panjang Anchorage in pos. 6° 30.06' S 105° 17.25' E. The intruders stole ship's properties and stores and escaped.
Perpetrators stole generator spares
The 'Genco Constellation' carrying a cargo of 51,400 tons of potassium fertilizer, was attacked by pirates on Oct 15, 2024, around 9:10 p.m. UTC (4:10 a.m. LT) in pos. 05°30.05' S 105°17.25' E at the Panjang Anchorage. A group of four approached the vessel in a small motor boat. They managed to enter the ship’s engine room storage and took some old spare parts from the generator and engine room. No injuries were reported among the 20 crew members, among them 15 Filipinos and five Indians. The pirate activity was first noticed by an able-bodied seaman (AB) stationed at the stern, who spotted one of the pirates climbing the ship’s railing with a rope. The AB shouted to alert the pirates, who then escaped by jumping into the water and returning to their boat. The ncident was reportedd to the Panjang Vessel Traffic Service (VTS). An internal investigation revealed that the pirates had entered the ship through a deck door that had been temporarily open, allowing them to reach the engine room undetected by the crew stationed at the forward deck. As a precaution, the vessel tightened security by locking all access to the accommodation and engine rooms from the inside, leaving only one bridge access open for night watch crew. The crew was also briefed on the incident to prevent similar incidents in the future. The report was received by the Maritime Coordination Center (MCC) via email from The ICC - International Maritime Bureau (IMB) with report number IMBPRC/1106/GEN-CON-01. Meanwhile, the Panjang Harbourmaster and Port Authority Office (KSOP), through letter number UM.086/10/11/KSOP.PJG/2024 dated Nov 8, confirmed that they had not received an official report from the vessel’s agent regarding the incident. PT Bumi Laut Shipping Service, acting as the vessel agent for the 'Genco Constellation', stated in a declaration that they had not submitted a loss report to KSOP Panjang as they had not received a written report from the vessel’s master.
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