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GALATEA 9572226
On Oct 25, 2010, around 11 p.m. the 2nd officer of the "Old Captain" was severely injured during a fight among two Russian crew members while the ship was berthed at the Africa Terminal in Hamburg. Both were intoxicated and had a dispute before. The officer tried to resist the transport to a hospital and had to be escorted by police. Still in the ambulance and the hospital he tried to free himself in spite of an immense loss of blood. He was operated and treated in intensive care. The cook of the "Old Captain" was arrested in Hamburg zu. The officer will have to pay a safety fine of 2.500 Euro.
GALATEA 9572226
Tatort: Hamburger Hafen, Afrikaterminal In der vergangenen Nacht kam es auf der panamesischen Motoryacht "OLD CAPTAIN" zu einer körperlichen Auseinandersetzung unter zwei Besatzungsmitgliedern, bei der der 52-jährige 2. Offizier schwer verletzt wurde.
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