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Rudder failure of tug caused tanker casco to block the Elbe
On Feb 15, 2020, at 11.30 a.m. the 'Edda', which was tasked to take the casco of the tank barge 'CT 1803' from Lovosice in Czechia to Magdeburg , suffered an accident on the Elbe near the former ferry pt. in Klöden. The pushed hull which has a length of 86 meters and a width of 12 meters got pependicular to the river, got stuck and blocked the fairway. First attempt of a work boat of the waterway authority to pull it off, failed. A stronger ship was called from Torgau along with a second pusher tug. With these ships the tanker could be freed at 4 p.m. The Elbe was barred for shipping for a few hours. An underwater obstruction was thought to have caused a rudder failure of the 'Edda'. The police was investigating. The transport had started on Feb 13 with a delay due to a storm. In Magdeburg another tug was to take over for the further transport to Hamburg and then to Werkendam, where the tank barge was to be completed. German reports with photos: https://www.mz-web.de/jessen/havarie-bei-kloeden-schubschiff-blockiert-fahrrinne-der-elbe-36241584 https://www.mdr.de/sachsen/dresden/dresden-radebeul/schiffrumpf-flusstanker-elbe-100.html https://www.wochenkurier.info/sachsen/saechsische-schweiz-osterzgebirge/artikel/86-meter-schiff-auf-elbe-unterwegs-75206/
Transport of nuclear waste underway on Neckar
In the morning of Sep 6 the "Edda" with its barges left the berth at the decommissionen nuclear plant Obrigheim loaded with nuclear waste bound to Neckarwestheim for temporary storage. The 50-km-voyage was expected to take at least ninie hours. The ship was protected by the police with boats, a helicopter and forces along the shore of the Neckar river. Campaigners planned to protest against the transport of the Castor-containers. The first transport by EnBW was carried out on June 28 and took 13 hours. German report with photos and video: https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/bw/zweiter-castor-transport-neckar/-/id=1622/did=20230522/nid=1622/btcu6l/index.html
Pusher tug waiting with barges for transport of nuclear waste in Obrigheim
The "Edda" which was to carry out the second transport of Castor-containers from the decommissioned nuclear power plant Obrigheim reached the destination in the afternoon of Sep 4, 2017, and was waiting that the three containers with nuclear waste were loaded onto its barges. About mid of the week they were to be carried into n intermediate storage facility at the nuclear power plant Neckarwestheim. On the whole five such transports were planned. German report with photo: https://www.welt.de/regionales/baden-wuerttemberg/article168310828/Schiff-fuer-Castor-Transport-liegt-unbeladen-vor-Kraftwerk.html
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