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Investigation: Deficiencies in the security organization system were behind fatal ccident
Deficiencies in the security organization system were behind a tragic accident off Landsort on March 23, 2021, when a sailor died in a hold of the Cyprus flagged 'Nataly', now sailing as Briitsh 'Conformity', the Swedish Accident Investigation Board stated in its final report. The ship was anchored off Landsort waiting to arrive at the quay, was loaded with wood chips. In connection with the anchoring, the anchor chain of one of the anchors had got stuck in the anchor box, and the chief mate together with the two deckhands, a sailor and a light sailor, had therefore opened the anchor box. According to the investigation, it was found that a work light did not work, and one of the two deck hands, the sailor, went to get a replacement lighting. At the same time, the light scarried out further preparations. He then heard a sound and then saw, that the door to the descent to the hold was open. At the bottom, he saw the sailor lying, and immediately alerted. After a lot of trouble, the lifeless sailor was lifted out of the cramped space while the master called for help. But even though cardiopulmonary resuscitation was started as soon as possible, the sailor was still unconscious when the rescue helicopter arrived, and he was pronounced dead on his arrival at the hospital. According to the Accident Investigation Board's investigation, the autopsy results suggested that the reason for the sailor's death was suffocation as a result of staying in the hold. Following the incident, a review of the ship's safety organization system was carried out, and it reports several deviations. One conclusion that the Accident Investigation Board draws is that the safety organization system has not been effectively implemented, and that this is one reason why the incident could happen. The direct cause of the accident, however, was that the sailor went down into an enclosed space where there was a lack of oxygen. The hatch to the cargo hold descent was not blocked, which meant that a safety barrier was broken. However, it has not been possible to determine why the injured sailor went down in the hold, according to the report, The Accident Investigation Board recommends that the company continue to work on developing its safety organization system "so that a continuous improvement of the safety culture can be obtained".
Near collision off Brunsbüttel
The 'Nataly' was in a near collision with the 'Norrland' (IMO: 8818764) on the Elbe off Brunsbüttel in the early morning of March 1, 2020. She was enroute from Norrköping to Teighmouth, and the Ukrainian captain steered the vessel towards the radar line in the middle of the fairway. The 'Norrland' was approaching towards Hamburg. During the change of the pilot off Brunsbüttel a dangerous course was remarked with both ships cruising each other. The pilot change was immediately aborted, and the master of the 'Norroland' changed course to avoid the threatening collision. The traffic control filed a charge against the master of the Nataly' for endangering ship trafffic. The vessel was ordered to berth in Cuxhaven for investigations of the water police. It berthed at 2.30 a.m. and was released at 5.10 a.m., resuming its voyage to Teignmouth with an ETA as of March 4, 4.30 p.m. Before, the captain had to deposit a safety fine of 3.000 Euro on request of the prosecutor in Itzehoe.
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