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Engine damage off Star Point LH
The "CMA CGM Fort Ste Marie", en route from Le Havre to Caucedo, Dominican Republic, with a crew of 27 on board, suffered damage to its main engine in position 50 02 50 N, 003 21 59 W, 14.5 miles southeast of Start Point lighthouse, on May 31, 2019, at 08.10 a.m. The crew started repairs which were completed at 9.20 a.m. The ship resumed its voyage with an ETA as of June 10.
Medevac off Tynemouth
The captain of the "CMA CGM Forte Ste Marie" radioed UK Coastguard's Humber Operations Centre on July 28, 2018, at 11:30 a.m. requesting assistance after a member of his crew complained of suffering abdominal pain. The unladen container vessel was at anchor two miles off the Tyne. It was decided that the best option for the seaman was to be taken off his ship by lifeboat and then taken to hospital by ambulance so he could be given a proper medical examination. Tynemouth RNLI all weather lifeboat launched at 11:46 .m. and sped to the ship. The casualty was able to walk and was assisted down the ship's gangway and on to the lifeboat by the volunteer crew. Once on board the lifeboat the casualty was taken to North Shields ferry landing where he was passed into the care of members of the Tynemouth Volunteer Life Brigade who took him to hospital. Report with photos:
Adrift, tug contracted
As of morning Feb 20 boxship CMA CGM Fort St Marie was still drifting in the Bay of Biscay some 200 nm SW of Saint Nazaire. As it became known, vessel suffered engine failure on Feb 17, tug is contracted and already left Brest. Previous news: Boxship CMA CGM Fort St Marie disabled and drifting in Biscay Boxship CMA CGM Fort St Marie experienced unknown kind of trouble en route from Saint Nazaire to Pointe a Pitre Guadeloupe, Caribbean. Vessel is obviously disabled since evening Feb 17 in Bay of Biscay, latest data from AIS dated Feb 19 09:56 UTC shows vessel’s speed is some 0.6 knots, which means vessel is drifting. Maritime Bulletin
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