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ECL Challenger has engineproblems outside Farsund. Vessels ETA Sandnes kl 07.00 local time today is cancelled and tug "BB Connector" is assisting. The weather in the area is rough.
ECL Challenger moved to Cuxhaven after collision
After its collision with the the Liberian flagged tank m/v "MCT Almak" (IMO: 9173109), the "ECL Challenger finally sailed from Brunsbuettel on Mar 4 at 2.15 p.m. and proceeded to Cuxhaven where it berthed in the America Port the same day at 7.45 p.m. and is still there. The "MCT Almak" following its repair in Kiel is actually approaching its destinantion Ventspils.
Collision in the Kiel Canal
In the morning of Mar 2, 2012, the Liberian flagged tank m/v „MCT Almak“ (IMO: 9173109), enroute BP Terminal Amsterdam-Ventspils, was in collision with the "ECL Challenger" which was enroute Gdynia-Rotterdam and had left the Kiel Canal locks westbound at 2.30 a.m., while the tanker was sailing eastbound in the Kiel Canal at the passing point Fischerhütte. The „MCT Almak“ had entered the canal at 3.50 a.m. Both ships which hit with their sides were able to continue their voyage
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