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Detention in Toulon
On Feb 28, 2025, the 'Cenk' was detained in Toulon, France with 14 deficiencis, one of hich being regarded as serious and ground for a detention: 1) Emergency systems - Emergency source of power - emergency generator Not as required The vessel was released again on March 6 and left the port en route to Haydarpasa with an ETA as of March 10. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063576908591
One man dead, three others injured in cargo shift
A 24 year old Bulgarian crew member died and three other were seriously injured in an accident aboard the 'Euroferry Malta' in the morning of Oct 7, 2019, while the ferry was en route from Cagliari to Sardinia. The alarm was triggered at 10.30 a.m. A helicopter took off from the Porto Torres Captaincy to assist after an anomalous wave had hit the freighter and hurled four sailors at work to fix the unstable cargo from the storm. One man broke his leg, the other two suffered injuries and bruises. It was decided to divert the ship to Porto Torres. After the arrival in port at 3 p.m. an ambulance transported the injured to hospital. Navy officers began to collect testimonies to reconstruct the accident. The Coastguard, led by commander Gianluca Oliveti, boarded the ferry to perform all the necessary checks. The Sassari Public Prosecutor's Office was also informed of the incident, which initiated an investigation by entrusting the investigation to the Porto Torres Authority. She left the port of Porto Torres again´on Oct 11 at 11.30 p.m. and headed to Genova, where it arrived on Oct 12 at 2.50 p.m. Reports with photos and video: https://www.unionesarda.it/articolo/news-sardegna/sassari-provincia/2019/10/07/marinaio-morto-sul-cargo-onda-violentissima-scaraventato-al-muro-136-937166.html http://www.lanuovasardegna.it/regione/2019/10/07/news/incidente-su-un-cargo-grimaldi-un-morto-e-un-ferito-1.17893167
Ferry adrift off Corsica
The "Euroferry Malta" with 25 crewmembers and eight passengers on board, lost power off Corsica on Dec 4, 2018, and drifted 12 kilometers off the west coast. The "Euroferry Malta" had sailed from Porto-Torres in Sardinia on Dec 3 at 7.25 p.m. bound to the port of Genoa with a cargo mainly consisting of vehicles and trailers. The semaphore of Ile-Rousse gave the alert during the nighthours after the speed of the ship dropped off Balagne. At 10:30 a.m. she was at the height of the town of L'Ile Rousse west of Capri in a distance of more than 10 kilometers to the coast. There was no immediate danger, as its drift was parallel, slightly divergent from the coast. A specialized team of the French Navy took off in Toulon helicopter to assess the situation of the ship. At the same time, the tug "Abeille Flandre" sailed from the port of Marseille. The Maritime Prefecture made contact with the shipowner to take all the necessary measures in case of towing. At 10.20 a.m. the crew announced that they had managed to restart the engine. The maritime prefect decided to continue the investigations initiated before letting the ferry resume its route to Genoa at 11.45 a.m. The "Abeille Flandre" continued on its way towards the ship to ensure that everything went smoothly. The ferry finally berthed at the Genova Terminal San Giorgio on Dec 4 at 7.50 p.m. SHe sailed again on Dec 14 at 4.40 p.m. and headed to Savona in order to resume its schedule.
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