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Leaking fuel sparked fire on ship near Puerto Rico
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board says leaking fuel that touched a hot surface caused the August 2016 fire that injured dozens aboard the Caribbean Fantasy ship that grounded near Puerto Rico. Officials said Tuesday the fire caused some $20 million in damage and spread quickly because fuel and lube oil valves were intentionally blocked open. They also blamed the failure of firefighting systems, a poor safety culture and a lack of inspection to ensure the safety management system was working. The board said more than 45 of the 511 passengers and crew were treated for minor injuries. Six other injuries were reported as serious. The fire burned for three days aboard the combination cruise and ferry vessel that was traveling from the Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico.
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Formal investigation into ferry fire
The U.S. Coast Guard is scheduled to conduct a public District Formal Investigation Hearing from March 20-25, 2017, and March 27-28, for the fire aboard "Caribbean Fantasy" casualty, which occurred on Aug. 17, 2016, and the rescue of its 511 passengers and crew members. The hearing will focus on the cause of the marine casualty, the adequacy of fire fighting protection systems, regulatory compliance including any physical or design concerns, adequacy of the vessel’s safety management system and evacuation procedures, and the Coast Guard’s mass rescue operation and procedures. The National Transportation Safety Board has joined in this hearing to avoid duplicating the development of facts and will fully participate. The NTSB is an independent Federal agency, which is responsible for civil transportation accident investigation, and is tasked with determining the cause or probable cause of this accident. A separate report of the NTSB’s findings will be issued independently of the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard will announce initiation and closing of the hearing from @uscgsoutheast using the following hashtags: #CGFIH #CaribbeanFantasy. An e-mail has been set up for interested parties to ask questions or make comments. This e-mail will be checked regularly. The e-mail is: The Coast Guard plans to host a live stream of the proceedings. The web address for the live stream is: Passengers aboard the "Caribbean Fantasy" on Aug. 17, 2016, can pass information to the District Formal Investigation Hearing Board by taking the following online survey.
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