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Beached at Aliaga 09/2023 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10159852811705036&set=g.6884293942
Wikileaks unveils biggest ransom paid to Somali pirates
According to WikiLeaks, the release of the Italian flagged tug BUCCANEER may have been the result of what amounts to the biggest ransom payment so far, consisting of a cash pledge to the Somali Transitional Federal Government worth US$18.5 million. At the time there were accusations that the barges were carrying toxic waste, but this was denied by the ship operators. Although flagged in Italy, Buccaneer is American owned. Wikileaks alleges that the tug was released amidst a series of claims and counterclaims concerning the ransom, whether it was paid and if so how much. The Somali pirates said they were paid $5.7 million (€4m), which was vehemently denied by the Italian government. Read more at http://ports.co.za/news/news_2011_08_04_01.php
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