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Authorities waiting for response regarding wreck removal
An official letter for the "Ceren 3" has been issued by the Harbour Master in the beginning of January addressed to the owners and the vessel local agent of the vessel in respect of the wreck removal. The local authorities were still waiting for the owners respose. The vessel remained stationary at grounding position as of Jan 22.
Were cargo ships intentionally grounded for dismantling?
Two dry cargo ships, the "Ceren 3" and "Doğan Kartal", stranded, pushed by strong wind, on Nov 17, 2018, after they dragged anchor offPendik at the Yalova coast, in the Marmara Sea on Nov 13, 2018. The ships were tied to each other and were unmanned, bound for dismantling. The Yalova Port Authority and representants of the town of Esenkoy Keçikaya launched an investigation into the case. The police also took security measures after thieves removed the oxygen tubes, and other parts were dismantled at the grounding site in Keçikaya with a hole being cut into the starboard side of the "Ceren 3". The police arrested four people. An investigation was being carried out by whom the ships were brought to Yalova and whether the dismantling procedures were planned in advance. Turkish reports with photos and video: https://www.cnnturk.com/turkiye/karaya-oturan-gemileri-parcalamaya-calisirken-yakalandilar?page=1 https://www.denizhaber.com.tr/istanbuldan-kacirilan-gemileri-yalovada-parcalamaya-calisanlar-yakalandi-haber-85429.htm https://haberlutfen.com/yalovada-karaya-oturan-hacizli-gemilerde-hirsizlik-girisimi/ https://www.yenicaggazetesi.com.tr/gemileri-parcalamaya-calisirken-yakalandilar-213658h.htm https://www.haberturk.com/yalova-haberleri/16947512-yalovada-karaya-oturan-hacizli-gemilerde-hirsizlik-girisimi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQ5kIu4TSMY
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