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Abandoned ship to be removed from port
In a decision dated July 19 2024,, the prefectural authority formally has ordered the owner of the longliner 'Atlantic Odyssey' to remove the vessel, which has immobilized since December 2017, within three months from the port of Saint-Pierre, whire it is moored at the Quai de l'Épi. The various owners who have succeeded one another at the helm have not been able to get it back to sea. The last owner Yves Le Dimna who has now to put an end to the state of abandonment of his ship and to proceed with its remova. The decision comes following a previous formal notice from the Directorate of Territories, Food and the Sea (DTAM) issued on January 10, but which remained unanswered by the owner. In the absence of intervention by Yves Le Dimna, the prefect will implement the procedure for forfeiture of ownership of the ship. In Dec 2011, the company Propêche, the shipowner at the time, was subject to a tax adjustment. More than 270,000 Euros were requested as tax on a state subsidy of nearly 625,000 Euros, granted for the purchase of the 'Atlantic Odyssey' in Sep 2009. The shipowner denounced an abusive tax adjustment and, from 2012, began a legal marathon. Propêche seized the administrative authorities without success. The company even appealed to the Ministry of Overseas Territories and the President of the Republic, François Hollande at that time, but without any more success. In Dec 2019, the public accountant requested that the ship be auctioned to pay off the company's tax debt for the benefit of the Territorial Council. In the following years, the ship changed flags several times. From Dec 2017, it no longer made any maneuvers and was no longer maintained. The last known owner, Yves Le Dimna, acquired the vessel in May 2021, but it will not move again. Report with photo:
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