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3 - 6 months charter, trading Mediterranean, Simatech
Four survivors of refugee boat saved
Enroute Melbourne-Singapore the "AS Carelia" on Aug 30, 2012, rescued four survivors of a boat carrying refugees which sank off Indonesia. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has completed its SAR operation west of Java following medical advice that there was no realistic prospect of survivability on Aug 31. Four merchant vessels and HMAS Maitland recovered 55 survivors. All survivors, including three with injuries, have been taken to Merak, Indonesia where they were receiving medical attention. One body was recovered during the operation. The HMAS "Maitland" recovered 34 survivors, the "APL Bahrain" 15 survivors. the "Da Qing Xia" one survivor. Also involved where the "Chemroute", "Forever South West", "Voyage Explorer", "Frontier Coronet", "World Swan" and "Pelafigue Tide".
3 - 6 months charter extension, trading Far East, OOCL
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