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Mobile crane snaps main antenna mast of Anna Lehmann at port of Hamburg
During cleaning operations a shore based mobile crane on Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2012 rammed a ship and snapped its main mast. As the police tells, the crane operator cleaned the quay of scrap parts, as he and his machine came against the mast of the ocean-going vessel "Anna Lehmann" and broke off this including antennas. A damage of several thousand euros was incurred. The water police permitted the departure of the ship.
Engine blackout on the Elbe
Enroute Bristol-St. Petersburg the "Anna Lehmann" suffered an engine blackout on the Elbe on Mar 9, 2012. The ship passed the Kiel Canal locks in Brunsbuettel at 8 p.m. and was moored at the railway pilings in the inner port of Brunsbuettel for repairs. On Mar 10 at 3.30 p.m. the voyage could be resumed.
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