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Ship abandoned with flooded engine room
The "Aksoyla I" ran aground late in the night of Dec 30, 2014, off Marmara Island at the Marmara sea coast. The ship's crew made a distress call to the Turkish authorities after the engine room became flooded with water. The vessel was en route to Libya from Istanbul's Tuzla district. The Turkish Coastguard was able to rescue all nine crew members and no injuries were reported. Turkish report with photo and video: http://www.denizhaber.com/HABER/38070/1/aksoylar-1-sierra-leone-marmara-adasi.html
On Nov 24, 2010, the "Aksoylar 1" collided with the "Gazze" in the Istanbul Strait Southern anchorage area, both ships were slightly damaged without spills or water ingress reported. Aksoylar 1: IMO 5132901 odin.tc
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