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Disabled ship blocked Randers Fjord
On May 2, 2017, the "Heidi" encountered engine trouble in the Randers Fjord near the Voer-Mellerup crossing. In order to avoid a grounding, the anchor was dropped, but the ship was caught by the currents and drifted perpendicular to the narrow passage so no other large ships could come in or out while the crew was working to resolve the engine problems. Only one ship had to wait during that time. At 9 p.m. the pilot on board of the "Heidi" reported that the ship was now heading to its destination Randers after the engine was restarted. It had sailed from Karmsund to Randers on May 1 at 3 a.m. for cargo operations where it finally berthed at 10.40 p.m. Danish reports with photos and video: http://amtsavisen.dk/randers/Heidi-fik-motoren-i-gang-igen/artikel/338495 http://www.tv2ostjylland.dk/artikel/video-coasteren-heidi-lagde-sig-paa-tvaers-af-kanalen
Death during routine inspection
The customs inspector Tor Inge Kalstø (55) died from a lack of oxygen after a fall on board of the ""Heidi" in the evening of Oct 19, 2014, in Kopervik. The Gade Institute in Bergen carried out an autopsy and found that there was little Oxygen in the cargo hold. The police regarded the death as an accident. Norwegian reports with photos: http://www.h-avis.no/nyheter/dode-av-oksygenmangel-1.8627638 http://www.nrk.no/rogaland/mann-funnet-dod-pa-bat-1.11995646
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