Port Moresby

Allgemeine Informationen

Port Moresby
Papua New Guinea
Local time:
Festgemachte Schiffe:
Erwartete Schiffe:
S 09° 29' E 147° 08'

Festgemachte Schiffe


Erwartete Schiffe

06.10. 18:00
10.10. 05:00
11.10. 19:00
11.10. 21:00
13.10. 21:00
26.10. 09:00
01.11. 21:00

Ausgelaufene Schiffe


Die neuesten Nachrichten

U.S. Coast Guard Supports Papua New Guinea Port Security

Sun Oct 30 09:38:02 CET 2016 arnekiel

A U.S. Coast Guard International Port Security Team visited Papua New Guinea in October to share best practices on port security. Coast Guard personnel met with the Papua New Guinea Department of Transportation to observe the implementation of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code at two port facilities located in Kavieng and Port Moresby. In 2003, the U.S. Coast Guard developed the International Port Security Program to reinforce the implementation of the ISPS Code. Under the auspices of its International Port Security Program, a U.S. Coast Guard International Port Security team visits annually to assess the effectiveness of seaport anti-terrorism measures and provides recommendations to government officials to reduce the risk of a maritime security incidents and impacts to the global supply chain. http://www.maritime-executive.com/article/us-coast-guard-supports-papua-new-guinea-port-security

Five died on barge in Port Moresby

Fri Nov 28 10:12:32 CET 2014 Timsen

Five men were dead after entering an oxygen-starved compartment in the barge "Nivani Colossus" in Port Moresby on Nov 26, 2014. They were believed to have dropped unconscious and lost their lives after entering the compartment for an inspection of damage to the bow. But one man was believed to have survived after being given breathing help and heart resuscitation efforts. Three were employees of the construction company Nivani Ltd, and two were from Karavia village mid-way between Rabaul and Kokopo. The barge had suffered some damage in a beach landing recently and the men opened the hatch to one of the airtight compartments to inspect damage to the bow. One man survived the scene. Five were pronounced dead after attempts to revive them failed. Reports with photos: http://www.pngloop.com/2014/11/27/sight-five-unconscious-men-shocked-rescuers/#sthash.VeGaA6dS.dpuf http://www.pngloop.com/2014/11/26/five-die-rabaul-shipping-tragedy/#sthash.nOoDoCmd.dpuf

Eleven rescued from overturned PNG barge 80 miles northwest off Port Moresby

Mon Jun 24 08:50:05 CEST 2013 arnekiel

Authorities say they have rescued all 11 crew members of a barge that overturned off the coast of Papua New Guinea. Tug boat Go Rigel recovered all the crew members from a life raft 80 nautical miles northwest of PNG's capital, Port Moresby, just hours after a shipping distress call and emergency beacon was activated at 3.30am on Thursday. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said two planes and helicopter assisted in the rescue. The cause of the incident is not known. AMSA said it was working with the Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Port Moresby to gather more information. AAP's attempts to contact PNG's National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) were unsuccessful on Thursday. Source : The Sydney Morning Herald

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