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Sport fisher rescued after being adrift for 27 hours in open boat
A sport fisherman in distress has been rescued by the crew of the "Braunschweig" after having been adrift 27 hours off Kuehlungsborn on Oct 12, 2015. His 3-m-motorboat had suffered a propeller loss. Following the accident the boat was drifting at the mercy of the wind of the sea. The man could not call for help because the battery of his mobile phone was empty. OIn an icy wind and temperatures around two degrees he drifted 30 kilometers until he was spotted north of Rerik in the afternoon of Oct 12 by the "Braunschweig". When he tried to gain attraction, he fell overboard but managed to climb back into his boat. After the rescue he was medically treated aboard the corvette and handed over to the lifeboat "Crempe" of the DGzRS station Kuehlungsborn which took him ashore where he was admitted directly to a hospital. German report with photo:
Meddevac off Larnaca
A crew member of the FGS "Braunschweig" was injured on Aug 2, 2013, off Larnaca’s coast and was transported to Nicosia general hospital via helicopter.
Toxic gases emerge in engine room
The "Braunschweig" is one of five corvettes of the German Navy which has problems originating from toxic gases in the engine room. The carcinogenic and toxic formaldehyde is apparently emerging from material that has been used in the insulation of the exhaust systems. When heated by the hot exhaust gases from the material is released. With the replacement of seals the problem was resolved as quickly as possible. The engine casing of the engine room may currently be accessed only with respiratory protection masks for safety reasons, because of the toxic gas formaldehyde. The breakdown at the relatively new corvette was made famous by a newspaper report. The five ships suffered repeatedly technical problems which delayed their deployment. Two corvettes were placed in service in 2008, three are still being tested.
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